The modern world involves everyone being online and present on the internet through various different platforms. The real estate world utilizes this through various ways, as real estate agents try to get attention and create new avenues of lead generation for their business.

Gaining Online Presence In Real Estate

Gaining online presence requires a few different steps that help you build reliability and authority on the internet – with both the search engine (such as Google) and with people who use the internet. 

There are a few ways of garnering such trust and then keeping it, which you need to understand and then utilize.

Creating a Domain Name

A domain name is the name of your business’ website online, a URL or word they type in to find your business on the internet. 

These domain names need to be unique and easy to understand, also something that is relevant to your business’ actual name. Finding the actual name to use in your domain is the best type of domain. 

Your domain name is something that will be spread throughout all areas of your online presence – from your website, to your social media and even on your business cards. When creating a domain name, remember a few key things:

  • It will be part of a URL, which means at the end you will have a .com or something similar to it
  • The name for your domain needs to be brand-friendly, something that rolls of the tongue and that people will remember

Website Creation

Getting a domain is the first step towards creating a brand for your business, but then you need to step it up. The next part comes with you creating a real estate website for your business – one that oozes confidence and knowledge in the niche of real estate. 

Gain hosting of a website through various entities that sell you one. Once you are satisfied with the hosting services, use your WordPress account to build up your website. A real estate website requires various features that are imperative to its credibility. For example, have sections for showcasing property listings, and also have blogs. 

You will also require an email to ensure you can do all this, so make sure to have a separate email account for all your business purposes. For your website building, utilizing WordPress in its default state is possible, or you can use additions such as Avada Live Builder or Elementor to add some nifty features to your website. 

Utilizing Social Media

Social media is a core component of any person or business in gaining interactions and being known on the internet these days. While your website will host all the factual and informational objects – your social media needs to be relatable and aesthetic to make people want to interact with your business. 

However, a social media profile should have certain traits about it:

  • Maintain professionalism through your social media account – but also make sure it creates connections with people through the content you create and post
  • Create pages for your business on different platforms in order to ensure you have more visibility and can garner more attention for it
  • Once you have a core audience, you can move towards group creations that allow for  much more in-depth conversations between people who are truly invested in your business
  • Keep posting informational content, including listings and information about real estate, but also post content that is fun and engaging, but all within the same niche 
  • Keep up with trends online, and make sure they align with your real estate niche to create conformity within the trends

Content Strategies

Content is important for your brand in the long-run on the internet for digital marketing. However, pumping out different kinds of content without any strategizing is not a smart way of approaching it. 

One of the easiest forms of content when it comes to real estate is property listing and the information that goes alongside it. When you are posting property listings, social media such as Instagram and TikTok are very easy to curate with pictures and videos, and even virtual tours. 

However, you also need to maintain your website with content, and you need to create strategies for blog content. Blog content is very important in terms of achieving better SERP (search engine results page) rankings, which is done by finding keywords for your niche, in this case real estate, and then utilizing them in the content. This falls under the umbrella of SEO for real estate, which is a key component of gaining and maintaining a high rank on search engines, such as Google. 

Auditing Your Presence

Make sure to constantly run audits on your business online – with trying to increase online presence, you will be running various different assets all at the same time, and there many more ways to help maintain them, for example creating a Google business profile and then running advertisements. 

However, once you are running all of these assets, it is important to audit your business online in order to understand how everything is doing, for example the views on your website, what people are reading, visiting and also the views on your social media – likes, comments and criticism. 


Overall, there are so many ways to increase the digital presence of your business – but some factors are the core components – creating a domain and brand, creating and running a website, creating and running social media, these are essential in today’s world. If you run and maintain these things, your business will soon gain traction and rank higher than others on the internet, and you will garner more and more people towards the business.