Among the most popular browsers used worldwide Safari is the second most popular one. It is ahead of browsers like Duck Duck Go, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. Safari comes second only to Chrome and accounts for about 16% market’s share. The reason why Safari tops the charts is because of the market capturing of all Apple users. Apple sets Safari as the default browser application for all its users across the various iPhone versions and the Macbook range.

It’s best to run a compatibility check across your devices with all specifications of Safari before you start relying on it for your daily searches. Safari and Safari driver function hand in hand to carry out essential functions. We will take a look at why is it essential to test on the Safari browser; how the Safari Browser works and the ways to successfully conduct Safari Browser Testing using sophisticated strategies for quality assurance. 

5 Principal Reasons to Test on the Safari Browser

It is one of the most used browsers in the world 

Safari is the default browser for Apple users. Every year, Safari browser consumption is only increasing. Safari almost accounts for a quarter of the market share data. When so many individuals rely on Safari, it is needed to test on Safari. When it comes to the numbers Safari accounts for 18.4% market share, second only to Google Chrome which occupies 65.15% of the market share. 

 Safari will continue to use the Apple Web kit

Apple rarely changes its core technological aspects such as the browser. It is highly unlikely that Safari will shift to a Chrome-based system. Maybe a few years back, people would have thought Chrome would enjoy a market monopoly but it turned out to be untrue.

More than a translator 

Writing a Javascript is fun. However, checking if the script is running properly or not is not a part of cross-browser testing. Every browser comes with unique functions, aesthetics, and particularities. There must be a distinction between testing Javascript code working and web applications running smoothly. 

The default browser for Apple

MacOS is set to install Safari by default. Similarly, Windows OS installs Microsoft by default. Due to these reasons, the users are forced to use the default browsers. In MacOS’s case, users who do not exercise their will to choose from all the available browsers will end up using Safari. The by-default setting and promotion of only one browser have led to debates regarding the public and tech giants such as the 2001 lawsuit between the US government and Microsoft.  

Tackling Cross-Browser Issues 

Users can use libraries other than JavaScript to avail many advantages. React JavaScript is easier to navigate as it manages multiple components and facilitates pulling down data from a variety of services. There is also an option of giving time-to-time updates.

Make sure your browser is compatible with Safari

Every browser differs in its featuresFor this reason, there is a chance of websites differing across browsers. This phenomenon leads to incongruencies in the way a site appears when viewed using two different browsers.

Step 1: Using advanced techniques

This will help increase efficiency output and ensure comprehensive QA testing. A clear way to do this is to run compatibility tests across the different versions of Safari. To do this, refer to virtual machine set-ups as well as testing tools like Selenium WebDriver which readily offers access to all the Safari versions.

Step 2: Specific Browser Testing

After using advanced techniques, be sure to even out inconsistencies in user experience, particularly viewing experience. This can be done by ensuring quality assurance by conducting browser testing on the websites. Overall, the process enables teams to boost the website and the way it is viewed across popular browsers. Also, it will enable addressing and combating browser-specific issues.

Checking Layouts across Devices 

  • To achieve the highest degrees of compatibility, it is important to run a full device scan and look out for problems regarding performance and user experience (UX) that you may be facing. In addition to this, one must see to it that the browser is easily adapting to all devices such as mobile phones and tablets which come in varying sizes and dimensions.
  • To ensure smooth functioning, professionals are advised to conduct in-depth testing on all devices. Any issues regarding performance and user experience (UX) must be detected at this stage. 
  • Lastly, test for any lag or inconsistencies in the CSS as well as the HTML code. Run detailed browser checks and device tests to figure out responsive layouts on iOS and other Android devices. 
  • Pro Tip: While checking responsive layouts across devices, evaluate or look for any updated or older versions of multiple browsers.

Ensure functionality testing

  • Functionality testing is the crux of website quality assurance, for which the QA team is responsible for all the user interface components across a range of scenarios to make sure there is performance efficiency. 
  • LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that allows you to perform manual and automated testing on a large scale. With a focus on providing a versatile testing environment, LambdaTest empowers users to conduct real-time and automation testing across an extensive array of environments, encompassing over 3000 configurations, including browsers and real mobile devices.

Keep in mind the following points while checking the components of user interface testing:

  • Text fields
  • Data input validity 
  • Login Process and the various forms 
  • Key aspects like Formatting and spacing
  • Header navigation and search box
  • You can use manual testing methods for small websites. For larger websites, run UI checks.
  • These checks can be complicated but if you follow the right steps it will work efficiently.
  • Technical tools such as Selenium will greatly enhance the testing capability. 

Functional Tests for Locating Cross-Browser Shortcomings

  • Testing includes tests for displaying pages such as buttons, groups, and links available. Other than that, testing for page display, buttons, and available links. 
  • Proper manual testing for performing system testing based on technological landscapes for the given application.
  • First, log in and conduct authentication security. Make sure the end users cannot breach security and ensure safety to the highest standards achievable. The system should be safe and not be prone to unauthorized access via URL hacking. 
  • Minimize access errors when the user switches between the browsers. 

Benefits of Testing on Safari

  • For an effortless and comfortable user experience, it is crucial to stress overall comprehensive testing on Safari. As we know, Safari is the most popularly used browser among Apple users due to its default status. Safari guarantees highly efficient performance of the webpage for its users. 
  • Keep conducting regular QA tests on Safari and particularly on WebDriver for assessing functionality, response, and glitch-free performance. Pay attention to details like CSS and JavaScript compatibility for the best user experience. 

Run the website smoothly across various devices

The website should run easily across various mobile phone and tablet devices and enrich the user experience. Emphasis should be on improving the website’s performance. The key is to employ responsive design principles. After this, the website will naturally adjust to the differences in screen size and pixels. This will cut short the necessity to zoom in or zoom out content manually as it will be evenly distributed as per needed resolution and screen size. The result of this would be user consistency across devices. 

Tips :

  • Reduce image size.
  • Switch on the cache for browsers.
  • Reduce inadequate codes.
  • Run complete browser tests on all devices.
  • Reduce response delays.
  • Focus on cutting down the page read times by compressing image sizes, employing cache for browsers technique, and eliminating unnecessary code.
  • Conduct a browser test on various devices, like smartphones, tablets, and desktops, to fix any response delays and issue correction, respectively.

Create an impressionable user experience

Safari helps in creating an impressionable user experience. The focus is on making browsing fun and easy. Conduct comprehensive testing on Safari to get high performance, easy navigation, and compatibility with the overall key components. 


In today’s technologically advanced world, it is important to provide quality to the users. When it comes to e-business models, owning a website is not enough but a better and unique user experience is sought after. This will go a long way in ensuring the goodwill of your brand as customers’ first approach is the key to impact.  By using all the tips and strategies for assuring quality assurance, pitch up your customer’s satisfaction. 


Are there free-cross-browser testing tools online?

Yes, many free tools are available but they have limited access to features and devices they can adapt to. For better testing and more features, paid options are better.